2. Experience of fasting. 2.1. A Witness of a Priest

Along with pilgrims, many priests have come to Medjugorje. There they have discovered persona prayer, joy in Confession, joy in the celebration of Holy Mass and the meaning of heir priesthood in general. I gladly recall an experience of a pilgrim priest who admitted that he discovered fasting in Medjugorje.

He wrote about his experience: “I have been a priest for 30 years. There are very few Sundays that I have not celebrated Holy Mass with the faithful. Even when I went on vacation, I had often to return to my parish on Sunday to celebrate Holy Mass with them because I could not find a replacement. I am certain that during my entire priesthood I celebrated Holy Mass with them and preached to them every Sunday of Lent without exception.

In Medjugorje, I became aware that I had completely forgotten about fasting. I never preached about fasting. I did not try to inspire the faithful to fast nor had I explained why it was necessary to fast. If I said anything about fasting, it was that good works could substitute for it. I had also completely lost sight of the Eucharistic fast.

Now that I have discovered fasting, I am surprised at how it was possible for me not to have recognized this Biblical practice and message and not to have proclaimed it to the people. When I read the Sacred Scripture now, I find many places where fasting is spoken about and how the prophets and their nation practiced it. I now recognize the fact that Jesus Himself fasted.

When I started to fast, I discovered the value of fasting and I now often speak to the people about how important it is to fast and pray.

I believe that something similar has happened to other priests. Enriched by this new experience, I would like to call all priests and preachers to compensate for this neglect, which should not have happened at all, in their preaching and in their personal practice.”