1According to the testimony of the visionaries, Our Lady always appears with newborn baby Jesus at Christmas.

At Christmas God comes in the arms of his Mother to remind us that he is a little one. The King of kings lets himself be carried in his mother’s arms.

Jesus said to us, ‘Unless you become like little children, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. Let the little ones come to me.’ We can find ‘little ones’ in the nativity: Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, and the wise men as well.

„Heaven is to be obtained with Mary through a motherly heart, a tender smile, giving time to others, forgiveness, the strength to help, showing mercy...“

When we become little children, then we discover the real Christmas. This Christmas message of Mary’s tells us, ‘Also today I am carrying my Son Jesus to you and from this embrace I am giving you His peace and a longing for Heaven.’

Jesus spread the Kingdom of peace by doing good. Peace and the desire for heaven, in the school of Mary lead us to concrete acts of love. Heaven begins right here on earth. Heaven is present when we want to become as humble as Mary is and expect everything from the Lord... to completely surrender. Heaven is to be obtained with Mary through a motherly heart, a tender smile, giving time to others, forgiveness, the strength to help, showing mercy... and this is what we expect from others. But Mary teaches us, like Jesus, to start with ourselves.

DSC04467„...We receive Jesus’ peace in silent prayer, by listening to his word, in the Eucharist, in the Sacrament of Reconciliation...“

Today she puts before us an important mission: be peace! To become peace, we must first accept it. We cannot give what we do not have. We cannot be peace if we do not have it. Peace is not an issue or a political agreement. Peace is not something but someone. Peace is Jesus himself. The Holy Father Pope Francis says, ‘Peace – as you well know – is not just the absence of conflict. For us, peace is a gift that comes from above, it is Jesus Christ Himself, the Prince of Peace. And only those who have the peace of Christ in their hearts as a horizon and lifestyle can become peacemakers.’

We receive Jesus’ peace in silent prayer, by listening to his word, in the Eucharist, in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Jesus announced peace by doing good wherever he went. He did not cease to do good even when they hated, tortured, and killed him. Evil could not stop him. He firmly and calmly walked forward connected to his heavenly Father and did good.

DSC02021„...Lonely, sad, disappointed, and injured ones wait for us, just as parched earth waits for water. God wants to give Himself to them through us. Let us receive Him in prayer from Mary’s arms…“

Works of love are works of peace. Thousands of opportunities are daily offered to us. Let us perform small deeds with even more love: each of us can do this wherever we are – at home, at work, at school – in performing our duties.

We stand on the threshold of the New Year and we wish each other peace, health, love, and blessing. Usually we say: a new year – new life. This year is also unique in that it is the Year of Mercy. Let us take Jesus from Mary's embrace and embrace him, and fill the New Year with works of mercy. The heavenly Mother’s heart beats for this world. She wants us to help her, ‘My children, help me in my motherly struggle for souls, pray with me,’ she told us in one of her messages.

Lonely, sad, disappointed, and injured ones wait for us, just as parched earth waits for water. God wants to give Himself to them through us. Let us receive Him in prayer from Mary’s arms. Then we can understand why she calls us, ‘Ask from Jesus that you may experience a rebirth in God and become light, which will radiate from you. Thus you will become witnesses to the presence of God for every person who lives in the dark.’

Prayer of St. Francis:

Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace.

Where there is hatred, let me sow love,  where there is injury, pardon.

Where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope;

where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy.

O, Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek

to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand;

to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive,

it is in forgiving that we are forgiven,

and it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life.