Capture18Also today (message of 25.11.2015.) Our Lady invites us to serious cooperation when she says, ‘Pray for my intentions’. She counts on us. When we pray for her intentions, we forget our needs and have a disposition more like Our Lady’s. In this way God can act all the more in human hearts and in the world through her, doing what is most needed. Let us trust in her.Our simple, honest prayer, dedicated to her intentions, can become like a rescuing net in the rough seas of the world. ‘The prayer of the righteous man is powerful and effective’, the apostle James encourages us. Our Lady has repeated this in her messages, ‘Much of what happens depends on your prayers.’

‘Peace is in danger, therefore pray and be carriers of peace and hope in this restless world where Satan is attacking and tempting in every way.’ Peace in the world starts in the heart of each one of us. If it is in danger in my heart, then it is in danger in the world too. Remember that for more than thirty-four years the Queen of Peace has been teaching us to pray for peace. Firstly we are invited to pray for peace in our own heart, then for the peace in our family, our community, and then with this common peace we can pray for peace in the world. If we ourselves do not have peace and we pray for peace in the world, this prayer less effective, Our Lady has advised us through the visionaries.

...Lord is here all the time, ready to give us whatever we ask for. Be with him also - in prayer, in faith. Anticipate Christmas with the heart of Mary, praying generously for her intentions...

Peace is precious gift which we can request from God. Peace is also in danger when we are in panic or fear, when our faith is weak. Peace is in danger when we are shaken by temptation. This is what our Heavenly Mother calls our attention to today, when she tells us that Satan is tempting us in this restless world in every way.

The spiritual fathers recommend us multiple resources in the fight against the temptations of Satan. Today Our Lady emphasizes two of them to us – prayer and faith. Those two facts are inseparable. To stand strong against Satan, we should be firm in prayer and courageous in faith. Otherwise we will fall. Prayer means to ask for help from the One whom we think is able to help us. If we fight against temptation alone, we stumble. In temptation we often lose courage and peace. Therefore Mary encourages us to be courageous in faith. Padre Pio, in giving advice to his spiritual children, said to think that after temptation great relief comes, just as was experienced by Jesus in the desert, when angels came and ministered to him.

Capture19How many times we hear in Gospel the challenge of Jesus – ‘Have faith! It will be done just as you have believed it would. Your faith has healed you.’ Faith has great power; faith in somebody stronger than any kind of evil in this world and any temptation of Satan. Let us believe in the promise of Jesus, ‘I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.’ (John 16, 33)

‘Everything for the Immaculate One! Do everything for the Immaculate One! Always remember! You are fully, unconditionally, irrevocably the property of the Immaculate One.’ (St. Maximilian Kolbe)

Whatever happens, our life is in the hands of God. To pray and believe means to be victorious.

We are in the season of waiting, of Advent – a time of grace in which we make an effort to stay awake and to prepare for the birth of Jesus. The Lord is here all the time, ready to give us whatever we ask for. Be with him also - in prayer, in faith. Anticipate Christmas with the heart of Mary, praying generously for her intentions. We can repeat the words of St. Maximilian Kolbe, ‘Everything for the Immaculate One! Do everything for the Immaculate One! Always remember! You are fully, unconditionally, irrevocably the property of the Immaculate One.’ To pray for intentions of Our Lady means to keep nothing for oneself, to allow her to act in whatever way it pleases her. Use responsibly this time of grace that we are in and give every smallest suffering or sacrifice to fight for her intentions.

Let us pray:

Mary, Mother of us all, thank you for telling us once again – ‘I am with you and intercede for you’. You say to us – ‘As individuals you cannot stop the evil that wants to begin to rule in this world and to destroy it. But according to God’s will, together with my Son, you can change everything and heal the world.’ We pray, together with you, for peace and for your intentions. We attach our prayers to yours in order to be able to accomplish everything that you invite us to. Amen.