003“Dear children! Also today I am calling all of you to prayer. You cannot live without prayer, because prayer is a chain which brings you closer to God. Therefore, little children, in humility of heart return to God and to His commandments so that with all of your heart you are able to say: as it is in Heaven so may it be on earth.

You, little children, are free to in freedom decide for God or against Him. See where Satan wants to pull you into sin and slavery. Therefore, little children, return to my heart so that I can lead you to my Son Jesus who is the Way, the Truth and the Life . Thank you for having responded to my call.” (25.01.2016.)

In almost all of her messages Our Lady invites us to prayer. Her messages are very short, clear and encouraging. These few words that Our Lady gives, contain the essentials of our spiritual and eternal life. Her messages are not scientific lectures – we do not find in them different methods of prayer, but they tell us what is essential. Prayer is life. Without prayer there is no life in us because we have broken our relationship with God, who is the source of life.

She has been saying to us: ‘Pray with the heart, without prayer you cannot live, I invite you to constant prayer, in prayer abandon yourself to Jesus, pray before the cross, without prayer there is no peace, pray for the Holy Spirit, in prayer you experience the greatest joy...’ And there are many other encouragements that Our Lady has given us in her messages, as signs that point us along the way, which is not to abandon God, self and life.

„Through prayer we obtain the conformity of our will with the will of God to the point when we can wholeheartedly say: Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven...“

As St Bernardine of Siena used to say: ‘If the heart does not pray, then the effort of words is in vain.’ The heart is central for prayer. We have received this organ from the Creator – so the Book of Genesis tells us, in which we learn how God created man. God breathed His spirit on us and His Spirit in us is the source of prayer. In daily life our heart is usually hidden. It hardly emerges even in the subconscious. We live mostly constantly immersed in external emotions, with impressions and feelings of what attracts us or repels us. And even when we wish to live at the deepest level of our being, we generally turn away from reality.

Jesus often says in the Gospel: Our hearts are blind, blunt, closed (Mk 8, 17). It flounders (Lk 24, 25), is full of darkness. It has stabilized in pleasure and fear (Mt 13, 15). The heart must be circumcised. The greatest task of man is to find a way into his own heart. In search of yet unknown spaces, one becomes a pilgrim who is looking for his heart, his deepest being.

We carry in ourselves the desire for prayer as a hidden treasure that we are not even aware of, or we realize it very little. We often cannot hear our heart, because our heart, our true heart, is taking a nap – but it is worth waking it up every day of our life. Therefore prayer is not difficult. Prayer was given to us long ago. To pray is to awaken the desire for God in oneself. God Himself has given this desire to us. Prayer teaches us to live life. By prayer we come to a hidden treasure in our hearts. As the trader in the Gospel, we must sell everything so that we can buy a piece of land and dig up the treasure.

„To pray is to awaken the desire for God  in oneself...“

Prayer takes us back to the truth before God and that is humility. Prayer aligns our lives with God’s commandments. Through prayer we let God become God in us. Through prayer we obtain the conformity of our will with the will of God to the point when we can wholeheartedly say: Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.

We know that Jesus said, ‘For I did not come down from heaven to fulfill my will, but the will of Him who has sent me’ (Jn 6, 38). We ask why is it difficult to accept the will of God? Precisely because we do not recognize it as our own will, because our will is not aligned with God’s will. And God has no other interest except for your, my and our salvation. God’s will is usually located in what is more difficult. Therefore Jesus speaks of the narrow gate and the narrow way that leads to life.

Let the Virgin Mary, whose will is totally united with God’s will, be the way of salvation.

Let us pray:

Mary, thank you for your invitation to prayer and for all hearts to hear your invitation and to respond to it. You do not speak to us of something imaginary, but you speak from your own experience of life with God. You have prayed and do still pray for us. At Cana you were the first to see what was missing for the newlyweds. Also today you can see all of our needs, and what we are missing in order to be filled with the joy and life which God gives us. Thank you for your motherly heart that is filled with the fullness of God and is in accordance with his will. We want to learn from you how to pray, how to live and how to belong to God. Amen.